Cookie Policy

KEYTO GROUP uses cookies on this website. KEYTO Group cannot identify you through these cookies.

For you to feel safe with how KEYTO Group uses cookies, through this policy, we want to explain what cookies are, what types of cookies KEYTO Group uses on its website, and in what ways you can influence how KEYTO Group uses cookies.

KEYTO Group follows the Swedish Post and Telecom Authority’s and IAB Sweden's recommendations for the use of cookies.

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small text file that the website stores on your computer, mobile device, tablet, or other device. When we refer to "cookies" in this cookie policy, we also include other technologies and tools that collect and store information on your computer, mobile device, tablet, or other device.

KEYTO Group uses the following three categories of cookies:

- Strictly necessary

- Functional and performance

- Statistics and analysis

- Marketing

All categories contain cookies that share data with third parties. A little further down the page, you can see a table showing which category each cookie belongs to, for what purposes it is used, and for how long it is active.


Strictly necessary

Strictly necessary cookies are required for our website to function correctly and to provide you with a better user experience. They enable essential functions and consent settings. These cookies do not store any personally identifiable data and are always active.

Functional and performance

These cookies enable specific functions on our website. This includes, for example, the ability to share our content on social media, collect feedback, and other third-party features. If you do not consent to these cookies, some services on the website may not function properly.

Statistics and analysis

Analytical cookies help us understand how you and our other visitors use our website. They collect information about, for example, user behavior, the number of visitors, and traffic sources. This will help us to develop and improve our website to enhance your experience.


Advertising cookies are designed to deliver tailored ads to you based on your visits to our website. They are also used to evaluate the effectiveness of our marketing. These cookies contribute to a more personalized advertising experience by customizing the advertising to your interests.

First-party cookies

Name: Consent

Type: Strictly necessary

Purpose: This cookie keeps track of your preferences in the cookie settings on keytogroup.se

Duration: 6 months

Third-party cookies

Name: Google Analytics

Type: Statistics and analysis

Purpose: Through our marketing campaigns, we can measure and optimize our deliveries to our target groups. More about Google Analytics.

Duration: 390 days

Name: Google Marketing Platform / Google Ads

Type: Marketing

Purpose: Through our marketing campaigns, we can measure and optimize our deliveries to our target groups. More about Google Ads, More about Google Marketing Platform

Duration: 390 days

Why does KEYTO Group use cookies?

KEYTO Group uses cookies to improve your user experience. Furthermore, KEYTO Group collects information about you who visit our website. By using cookies, KEYTO Group can improve your user experience. KEYTO Group collects information about you browsing our website through several types of cookies or info collectors.

Do you accept our use of cookies?

You decide to accept that KEYTO Group stores cookies on your computer, mobile, tablet, or other device that you use when you visit our website.

However, some cookies are necessary for the KEYTO Group website to work. These cookies may be used by KEYTO Group without your consent, as they are necessary for the functioning of the website you have chosen to visit.

If you do not allow KEYTO Group to use cookies in the manner set out in this policy, or if you have previously approved our use but have now changed your mind, you can return to your cookie settings at any time and change your choices. You may also need to change the settings in your browser and manually delete cookies to clear your device from previously placed cookies.

Manage the use of your cookies

You have the option to change your choices regarding which cookies to use by clicking the button below. You can also change your browser settings to restrict which cookies can be used. These settings are usually found under "Options" or "Settings" in the menu of your browser.

Changes to our cookie policy

If necessary, KEYTO Group may change this policy. If the change requires your consent, you will be asked for it the next time you visit KEYTO Group's website.

Do you have questions?

If you have any questions about this information or want to know more about how KEYTO Group uses cookies, you are always welcome to contact us via [email protected]. You can also read more at PTS (Swedish Post and Telecom Authority) website, www.pts.se/en/.

This cookie policy was last updated on 2024-05-29.