Steering the future of industry-leading services through innovation and sustainability.  

Leading with innovation and trust

Central to KEYTO Group's operations is a strong determination to not only meet market expectations but to surpass them. With a solid foundation laid since 1996, our commitment has propelled us to the forefront of the service industry. Our strategic use of technology has enhanced the efficiency and accessibility of our services, distinguishing us in a competitive landscape. Our growth reflects our financial strength and the trust our diverse clientele places in us. With a stable history of growth and a clear vision for the future, we are dedicated to continuing our journey of excellence.

Aligning values with growth

Our company aligns with the values of sustainability and innovation. We are committed to corporate responsibility, demonstrated through our adherence to the UN Global Compact and our strict ethical business standards. These commitments help us create value over the long term, reducing risks while uncovering new opportunities. Our broad portfolio, featuring innovative services and solutions, caters to the varied needs of today’s consumers and businesses.


Striving to exceed expectations every day.


Ease of mind moments provided annually to our customers.


To unlock your quality of life.

Press releases & latest news from KEYTO Group.

Övriga pressmeddelanden
KEYTO fortsätter växa och förvärvar bolaget Fastighetstvätt i Umeå AB, via dotterbolaget Servly
Regulatoriska pressmeddelanden
KEYTO Group AB (publ) announces Q2 2024 financial results
Övriga pressmeddelanden
KEYTO förvärvar bolaget KEHAB, via dotterbolaget Servly, i sin fortsatta expansionsresa
Övriga pressmeddelanden
KEYTO fortsätter expandera och förvärvar bolaget Meritum
Övriga pressmeddelanden
HeartBidCo AB (Publ) byter namn till KEYTO Group AB (Publ) och lanserar samtidigt KEYTO som paraplyvarumärke för moderbolaget
Övriga pressmeddelanden
Heart BidCo AB (publ) (”Bolaget”) tar upp en (1) obligation till handel på Nasdaq Stockholm First North Transfer Market
Regulatoriska pressmeddelanden
Heart BidCo AB emitterar ny säkerställd obligation

Financial statements

We provide access to our financial health and operational achievements through our annual and quarterly financial reports. Take part of our performance and strategic direction to understand why we remain a leader in our field.

Financial report Q2 2024

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Annual report 2023

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Heart BidCo AB har emitterat en senior säkerställd obligation om SEK 900 000 000 (ISIN: SE0021923836). Obligationen emitterades den 8 maj 2024 och löper i fem år. Obligationen löper med en rörlig ränta om 3m STIBOR plus 5,25% per år och ränta utbetalas kvartalsvis under lånets löptid. Bolaget avser att i enlighet med obligationsvillkoren ansöka om upptagande till handel av obligationen på Nasdaq Stockholms Corporate Bond List och Frankfurt Stock Exchange Open Market.




David Zytomierski, Group CFO

[email protected]